If, after reading this book, you have a desire to communicate with me personally (in the sense of holding meetings, seminars, trainings, periodic training sessions dedicated to katas;
as well as for any reasonable matter, in particular concerning this book and "Driving into debts" – their translations, publications, my teaching or consulting on these topics), I created a single e-mail for these purposes:
Please send all your suggestions, requests and wishes (as well as your feedback) to the specified address. Next, we will jointly decide how best to contact and interact, how and when your wishes can be implemented, and also, if necessary, we will discuss any other necessary conditions.
Letters are accepted (and classes can be held) using two languages – Russian (my native) and English. My English is at a good level, the vocabulary list is wide, there is a lot of practice of correspondence and live communication. Of course, like many people, I understand ten times more than I can say, but I can always find words to explain anything or to express my opinion.
It is also possible to cover any other language groups if there is a translator in the classroom (or in the group of the students) who is fluent enough in Russian or English.
For those to whom it is important, all issues (for example, counseling) can be resolved strictly confidentially. I fully share the opinion that in some areas of activity this is the only way to conduct business effectively.
If you want, I can come to your city or your country to conduct classes. It will only be necessary to resolve the issue of visa, if it is necessary.
Meaning for you (if you have a large enough group) I see this: it is much easier and cheaper to move one of me to you than all of you to me. Although there may be exceptions to any rule. So, if there is a desire, get in touch – and we shall solve everything individually.
According to the format of the kata seminars (as I personally see them):
- I hope this will be the most informative, the most effective in terms of time spent and the result obtained training course. Not years wasted blindly, but a specific indication of what is intended for what, how it is performed and what are the nuances of the techniques. Plus answers to the questions that have arisen (as far as I will be able to do it).
- I am more of a researcher than a military man, and therefore this will be a seminar, not a dictation. Questions, expression of your own opinion and ideas are welcome. Just not in the form of chaotic shouts, but after raising your hand and getting permission.
- A preliminary study of the katas sequencing is more than desirable, because in the short time of the seminar you will not have time to learn them yourself, and I will not teach you, and therefore, at a time when others will work productively, you will simply have to stand or sit on the sidelines.
- The form of clothing, I think, would be best of all dogi (or a tracksuit) trousers and a monotonous T-shirt of any color. This is so that no one looks at and embarrasses each other with their belts and emblems, and also does not distract with images and inscriptions on T-shirts.
- As I said before, you can have any belt of any style. In the face of kata misunderstanding (full or partial) everyone is equal; especially in the sense that sometimes it is even better to be ready for the perception of everything new by a "beginner" than stuck in the usual ideas of an "old man" or an "expert"… You may not have any belt at all. You can learn the sequencing of any kata yourself, then go through my training, get the necessary explanations, and then do this kata yourself – but with a full understanding of it.
- Of course, you can take pictures after classes. As many as you want. But during classes, audio recording, photo and video shooting are prohibited.
If there are other suggestions and preferences on the format, I’m always open; write, and we’ll discuss it.
And by the way, if you have your own explanations of whole katas or their elements, and you are ready to share them with me, you can also contact the above e-mail. If I consider them worthy of voicing in my classes and trainings, I will contact you, and after receiving permission, I will call the name, surname and country of residence of the one who first provided me with this idea.
And the proof of the essence, date and time (i.e. the primacy) of the provision of this information will be the above-mentioned e-mail. In the subject of the letter specify this, for example: "The idea of kata from Ivan Ivanov, Russia" or "Interpretation from Nikolaev Nikolai, Kazakhstan". I will be glad to receive letters from any country. There are smart and decent people everywhere; especially among those engaged in martial arts; and especially among those engaged for the sake of defeating themselves.